Checking ECF Ratings

How can ECF members see which of their games have been rated?

Games are automatically submitted for rating on the 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th of each month, and the current rating, based on the games played up until the 28th, will appear in the Rating List on the 1st of the following month. Therefore, games played up until the 28th January will appear in the list published on the 1st February.

How do you know which games have been included? Simply go to the ECF Rating List and enter your surname. On the following screen, click on your ECF Code and then scroll halfway down the screen to where “View OTB Results / View Online Events” is displayed. Click on “View OTB Results” and, on the following screen, enter the year you wish to view from the drop-down list, or enter “All Seasons”.

You can specify “Standard” or “Rapid” games, although “Standard” is the default. All your rated games for the selected period will then be displayed together the rating increment for each game and the name of your opponent.