Chess Talk

This year’s annual talk at Ealing Chess Club will be given by the International Master Lorin D’Costa on Monday, 24th October starting at 7:30pm at Actonians. You may have met Lorin at our Simultaneous Event on 5th September where he thrashed all-comers from Ealing Chess Club. He was the captain and coach of England’s Women’s Team at this year’s Chess Olympiad in India (see and is also the founder of “She Plays To Win” (see which is a charity dedicated to promoting chess among girls.

Lorin hasn’t decided on the exact title of his talk yet but it will almost certainly have something to do with women’s chess. I’ll update the titlee once Lorin has decided upon it. All the proceeds from his talk will go to his charity.

Entry to the talk will be £10. You can either pay by cash on the night or by online bank transfer (in advance).

If you want to play social chess on this night, you will have to play in the small bar (or after Lorin’s talk).

I hope many of you can make it to the talk. It’s for a good cause.