Ealing B 3½ Uxbridge B 1½

Ealing B returned to winning ways with a good win over Uxbridge B.

Tony was first to finish when he built up a strong attack on his young opponent’s king which culminated in an unanswerable mate.

Matthew followed with a second win with the White pieces against a Pirc set-up. After patiently building up the pressure Matthew launched a devastating attack which forced Black to give up a unsustainable amount of material to avoid mate. When all hope of a miracle had evaporated, Black resigned.

Simon’s opponent was held up by problems on the Piccadilly line arriving with 40 minutes already expended on his clock but he was able to steer his way to a comfortable middlegame in which neither player had obvious opportunities to progress. A draw was offered and accepted.

On top board both players used up 40 minutes plus on their opening 8 moves in a Alapin Sicilian. The position remained dynamically balanced until Xavier’s knight made a telling invasion of White’s position and after the advantageous opening of some lines in front of the White king, his attack assumed critical proportions. After two pieces went west, White resigned.

Last to finish was Jason who had everything seemingly under control on the Black side of a Tarrasch French but an oversight allowed his opponent, another of Uxbridge’s talented juniors, to take over the initiative and suddenly Jason was confronted with a storm of passed White pawns.: the first was stopped but the second reached promotion and the game was up.

The result leaves us top of Div.2 with four games to play. The next two against Harrow C will decide whether we achieve promotion or no.