Ealing C vs Maidenhead B

Thames Valley League season 2022-2023
Game played : 31st October 2022

This was a tough match for our players as they had to face opponents with quite high rating on most of the boards. Kayden did well to secure a draw. Subas was a replacement for one of the Ealing C players who could not turn up for the game. However he did not have to face an opponent as the opposition could only field 5 players against our 6. So Ealing C had a default win. However we lost the match with a score of 1.5 to 4.5 to Maidenhead B.

BoardColourEaling DResultsEaling C
1WhiteTony Braine0-1Simon Foster
2BlackTrevor Bates0-1Nigel Dennis
3WhiteLaith Harb0-1John Snead
4BlackGabriele Palmer0-1Yuri Krylov
5WhiteKayden Tan0.5 -0.5Keith Trower
6BlackSubas Subbaraj1-0Default win – no opponent


Tony Braine:
Tony played an advance French as white and achieving a threatening attack. Black defended well but eventually blundered giving Tony the opportunity to gain the exchange and swap down to a probably won endgame. Spurning this, Tony sought to keep queens on the board and look for mate. However, overexcited, he immediately blundered a knight and enabling black to swap down into an easily won endgame.

Trevor Bates:
On board 2, Trevor Bates playing Black, transposed in to a Dragon Variation of the Sicilian Defence but was always on the defensive. In an attempt to create some counter play with a combination on the Queen side, he overlooked a simple knight fork and resigned. Only after getting home and checking grades did he discover that his opponent was over 350 grading points stronger than him