Ealing C had its first win against an external club, Richmond , with the score of 5-1. The youngster, Kayden, continues to do well with his games against his opponents.
Board | Colour | Ealing D | Results | Ealing C |
1 | White | Hristo Colov | 1-0 | Otto Weidner |
2 | Black | Tony Braine | 0-1 | Jack Thompson |
3 | White | Alastair Johnstone | 1-0 | George Milligan |
4 | Black | Trevor Bates | 1-0 | Anurag Venkataraman |
5 | White | David English | 1-0 | Ronvir Bilkhu |
6 | Black | Kayden Tan | 1-0 | Oliver Taylor |
Tony’s Comments:
I played black with the Scandinavian and gained an edge out of the opening, developing a promising attack. White defended this very well though and I pushed too hard looking for a quick win. This wasn’t really there against a very capable opponent, I should have swapped off Queens into a slightly advantageous endgame. Lessons to self: expect your opponent to make the best defence and don’t try to avoid the endgame grind when that’s what the position really calls for!
Alastair’s comment and game (click on any move to see interactive chess board):
I didn’t play very well but perseverance paid off in the end.
Alastair, playing white, won (Opening: Sveshnikov Sicilian):