Harrow Juniors B v. Ealing C

Ealing C played against Harrow Juniors B at Harrow in a Division 2 match on 3rd February. Again, as David Housego was not able to play in this match, the team was captained by Neville Rowden. Ealing C was out-rated 640 in total and the team was beaten 3½-½ in the match.

Ealing C played White on Board 1 with the results being:

Harrow Juniors BRatingResultEaling CRating
Austin Ivan1789½-½Alex Lushpa1563
Daniel Evans15541-0Geoff Richards1392
Naavya Parikh14321-0Neville Rowden1279
Bodhana Sivanandan12891-0Andy Glass1190

These are the available match reports:

  • Neville Rowden: A total mess of a game but, to be fair, my concentration level was low as my daughter-in-law about to give birth and I could have been called away at any time. I was never in the game (see game below), and I never had a chance to get a foothold in the game. My position was a mess but giving away a Rook and a Bishop on move 20 was totally unacceptable. My opponent played very well and deserved to win.

  • Andy Glass: My apologies – I should have won last night. I was up a piece for 15 moves and had the attached position:

The winning move is Qxb2, which I actually saw, but started seeing ghosts, like Ne6 or even Qe6.  I decided for the horrible Qc6 keeping my queen on the sixth rank while also threatening mate.  Unfortunately, this allows Rxg7 which I missed which leads to mate for white.  Key was to keep the queen on the diagonal not the rank!  Up to that point I had played a clear game with but two inaccuracies, no mistakes, or blunders.   

 Qd4 was another good move for black in this position.  Until next time. . .