Hounslow B – Ealing B

League: TVCL, Season 2021-2022
Played : 25th April, 2022

This was a return match against Hounslow B and the season’s last match. We lost to Hounslow B with the score of 0.5 to 5.5. We lost on two boards by default because we were short of two players in the team. David Websdale did well to secure a draw.

BoardColourHounslow BResultsEaling B
1BlackJJ Padam1-0Subas Subbaraj
2WhiteVibhush Pusapadi1-0Peter Meltzer
3BlackPavan Kumar Kota1/2 – 1/2David Websdale
4WhiteBarry DA Fraser1-0Michael Stern
5BlackDefault Win1-0Player unavailable
6WhiteDefault Win1-0Player unavailable

Comments and Games:

David Websdale was the last to finish his game. He and his opponent had about 15 minute left on their clocks. With the position appearing just about equal and concerned about making a careless mistake they decided to call it a draw

In the Kings and pawns end game Pete Meltzer was down with 2 connected pawns to White’s 3 connected pawns at the queen side of the board, and equal but disconnected two pawns to the White’s 2 connected pawns at the king’s side of the board. With his king unable to support his pawns on both ends he ended up losing another pawn and subsequently resigned.

Michael Stern was the first to finish the game with a loss. His game is shown below. He appears to have played the same opening as he did in his previous match against Hounslow B.

Subas decided to play an attacking game against an opponent he drew before in another league match. He spent too much time working out a plan which fizzled out in the middle game, so much so that he lost on time with his opponent having almost 45 minutes left on his clock. The position looked drawish but on closer look, with good play the opponent would have won the match. Subas messed up his recording of the game in some places and so could not submit his game, apart from the final position.

Michael Stern’s game: Played Black, lost. Opening “Sicilian Defense: Kalashnikov Variation, ECO B32”

Subas’s game : Played White, lost. Opening “Philidor Defense: Morphy Gambit, ECO C41”
White’s turn to move, lost on time.